Annual Meeting - July 12, 2010
The Waverly Board of Education met for the annual meeting July 12, 2010 at 8:30 p.m.
The Business Manager called the meeting to order.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to approve the following changes to the agenda: Discussion: F1.Open enrollment intra district policy. Motion carried.
The following guests were present: D. Jones, and M. Hemmingson-business manager.
Jamie Dolen, Mark Comes, Jeff Buchholz, and Dennis Thyen circulated petitions. Dennis Thyen and Jeff Buchholz were duly elected on June 15, 2010 and will remain on the board for three years.
Nomination for D. Strang as Chairperson. Motion by Thyen, second by Fischer for nominations to cease and cast unanimous ballot for D. Strang. Motion carried. All voted aye.
Nomination for M. Fischer for vice chairperson. Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer for nominations to cease and cast unanimous ballot for M. Fischer. Motion carried. All voted aye.
Chairperson Strang reconvenes the meeting at 8:40 PM.
3. Discussion/Action Items:
A. Let it be resolved, that the Waverly/South Shore School Board, after duly considering the preliminary budget to be its Annual Budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 adopted with the following changes: General: Revenue: Fund Balance increased to $256,374.74 and Expenses: Secondary increased to $401,994.79, Guidance increased to $42,026.00, and Maintenance increased to $235,982.50 The adopted Annual Budget totals are as follows: General Fund-$2,016,897.29, Capital Outlay-$303,803.58, Special Education-$240,865.59, Pension fund-$17,700.00, and Food Service Fund-$104,913.25. Tax Levy amounts to the County Auditor will be as follows: General Fund-$383,034.00, Opt Out-$200,000.00, Special Education Fund-$1.40 per thousand, Capitol Outlay Fund-$2.15 per thousand, and Pension Fund-$0.14 per thousand. Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen. All members voting aye. Motion carried.
B. Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve the purchase of a 12’ X 16’ freezer for the Waverly site. Motion carried.
C. Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to approve a 5 year lease at $65.00 per month for a dishwasher for the Waverly site. Motion carried.
D. Discussion on the state funding lawsuit. No decision was made.
E. Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve the student handbooks and the activity handbook. Motion carried.
F. Motion by Thyen, second by Fischer to approve open enrollments for C. Comes, T. Mack, and J. Husmann. Motion carried.
F1. Discussed intra district open enrollment policy and a decision was tabled until next month.
G. No public school exemption application to approve at this time.
4. Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve the following designations as presented:
Designate Roberts Rules of Order as Parliamentary Guidelines for Board of Education meetings
Designate Great Western Bank as Official Depository for district funds
South Shore Gazette as Official Newspaper of the district
Designate Superintendent to institute the School Lunch Program
Designate Superintendent as Food Service Supervisor
Designate Superintendent as Homeless liaison
Designate Superintendent as Federal Programs Director
Designate Superintendent as Administrator for Title I Program; designate Business Manager as official signature for Title I finances
Designate the Superintendent to close school in case of emergency and in case of inclement weather and to set a chain of command in superintendent’s absence
Superintendent as truancy officer for the district
Membership in the Associated School Boards of South Dakota
Adopt State rates as mileage and meals for the district
Set the business manager bond of $10,000
Superintendent and Business Manager as official purchasing agents for the district
Authorize Business Manager to invest surplus funds
Authorize Business Manager to transfer interest on funds to general fund
Authorization of the existing accounts: Business Manager, superintendent, Board Chairperson
Motion carried.
5. Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to name D. Thyen as representative to NESC board of education and J. Buchholz as alternate. Motion carried.
6. Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to name M. Fischer as representative to LAMD board of education and A. Heuer as alternate. Motion carried.
7. Motion by Buchholz, seconded by Thyen to establish Board of Education salaries at $40.00. Motion carried.
8. Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to set substitute teacher pay at $80 for 1st 15 days, $90 for next 15 days and $95 for anything above for certified and $70 for 1st 15 days, $80 for next 15 days and $85 for anything above for non-certified. Motion carried.
9. Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to set substitute bus driver pay at $25.00 per route. Motion carried.
10. Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to authorize business manager to transfer $50.00 from the class of 2010 to incoming 7th grade class and remainder to the general fund to be used toward the cost of the yearbook and the Alumni Association for picture refurbishing. Motion carried.
11. Committees assigned: Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz for PERSONNEL-Strang and Heuer; BUILDING AND GROUNDS-Strang and Buchholz; TRANSPORTATION-Thyen and Buchholz. Motion carried.
12. Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to name persons who will receive free meals on staff-cooks, subs, janitors, bus drivers, lunch count duty, and board members. Motion carried.
13. Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to set meal prices: Breakfast- PK -6 $1.25, JH/HS $1.25 and adult $1.50; Lunch-PK-6 $2.15, JH/HS $2.40, and adults $2.90. Motion carried.
14. Motion by Fischer, seconded by Heuer to set prices for admission to games and activities at $4.00 adult and $2.00 student, season-$30.00 adult and $15.00 student, family (2 parents and K-12 students)-$100.00. Motion carried.
15. Sealed bids were opened and tallied. Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to accept bids from Sioux Valley Coop for fuel and Avera Pace for dairy and bread. Motion carried.
16. Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to enter into executive session for personnel at 9:51 pm.
Board Chairperson declared out at 10:25 pm.
17. Motion by Heuer, second by Buchholz to approve contracts for the following positions:
K-12 Counselor T. Ronke at $31,700.00
JH Girl’s Basketball R. Carpenter at $1372.28
JH Boy’s Basketball L. Mack at $1372.28
JH Football N. Lamb at $1372.28
5/6 Basketball S. Nunes at $1281.16
Head Cook K. Minatra at $11.50 per hour
Cheer Advisor S. Buchholz at $1266.72
Motion carried.
18. Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be held Monday August 9th at 7 PM in Waverly.
_David Strang______ _Misty Hemmingson_____
Chairperson Business Manager