August 9, 2010 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on August 9, 2010 at 7:05 p.m. in the high school room of the new addition at the Waverly school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer, A. Heuer, and J. Buchholz. Absent: D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, K. Bauer, and M. Hemmingson-Business Manager.
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve agenda with the following additions: Action Items: F. SDHAA ballot, G. Adopt district comprehension plan for Sped, H. participate in emergency bus pact, and I. adopt policy/practice for returning to competition following a concussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve the minutes of the July 12th meeting and the July 22nd special meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Fischer to approve the July bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Food Service Tr & Agency
July 1, 2010
Beginning Balance $951,846.91 $418,222.94 $70,301.89 $57,319.06 $9,296.50 $19,739.84
Receipts: Local $3,479.48 $977.57 $581.15 $88.55 $0.00 $547.58
County $2,700.98 $0.00
State $75,793.00 $0.00 $3,576.00 $0.00
Federal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Expenditures $39,637.02 $29,733.77 $450.00 $0.00 $170.00 $30.00
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $994,183.35 $389,466.74 $74,013.04 $57,407.61 $9,126.50 $20,257.42
July 31, 2010
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/468..59, ABC Automatic Building-fire alarm check/553.00, Alltel, cell/223.29, Best Business-copier maint/139.64, S. Buchholz-mileage/37.00, Castle Park-supplies/109.86, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/759.14-locate/51.02, Decker Equip-supplies/168.01, Deerfield Seminars-workshop/285.00, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/220.45, Diamond Vogel-paint/535.81, Exhaust Pros-bus repair/50.00, Fischer Rounds-insurance/43771.00, Follett-supplies/527.35, Harlow Bus Sales-supplies/509.84, M Hemmingson-mileage & reimb/105.04, Hillyard-supplies/39.25, Houghton Miflin-supplies/150.92, Human Service Agency-services/464.00, ITC-phones/286.00, JH Larson-light bulbs/95.67, JW Pepper-supplies/78.99, K&M Service-bus supplies/100.75, LAMD-1st quarter/9377.50, J. Lewno-mileage/18.50, Mahowalds-supplies/56.67, Menards-supplies/256.03, NESC-assess/86.60-tie membership/640.00, NASSP-national honor society membership/125.00, Office Peeps-copier maint/132.68, Otter Tail Power-electricity/379.38, Pearson-supplies/677.26, Petty Cash-reimb/28.55, Popplers Music-supplies/12.74, Quill-supplies/73.90, Scholastic Magazines-supplies/109.07, School Specialty-supplies/6.33, SD Teacher Placement-fee/420.00, SHI-software/6193.64, Sioux Rural Water-water/179.40, P. Story-bus seat repair/92.29, S. Strang-reimb for supplies/36.04, Time for Kids-supplies/151.76, Titan Machinery-bus repairs/1948.89, Town of South Shore-water/36.00, Training room-supplies/489.88, USPS-stamps/132.00, Visa-supplies/69.23, Watertown Public Opinion-advertising/82.92, Waverly Student Council-bank fees/30.00, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/64.99, and Xerox-copier maint/103.27. Payroll: Elementary $797.15, Secondary $0.00, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $0.00, Title I $0.00, Title I ARRA $3750.99, Guidance $0.00, Improvement of Instruction $0.00, Board of Education $0.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $4943.72, Operations & Maintenance $3152.91, Pupil Transportation $0.00, Title I Private $0.00, Male Activities $0.00 and Female Activities $0.00. Total-$90,784.29.
Capital Outlay: Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68, Follett-supplies/589.50, Harlow Bus Sales-new bus/79362.00, HP-server/5216.00-laptop/877.00-computers/19662.00, LAMD-assessments/4209.00, Menards-update boys bathroom/1029.28 Pearson-English and Math series/5498.92, Varsity Spirit Fashions-cheer uniforms/833.90, and Visa-supplies/37.87. Total-$117,368.15.
Special Education: Abbot House-services/1199.44, Children’s Care Hospital-services/4089.50, Don Johnston-supplies/4274.00, HP-computer/678.00, Midwest Hearing-services/300.00, NESC-assess/3246.10, Visa-supplies/15.90, and Zaner-Bloser-supplies/35.99. Payroll/$0.00. Total-$13,838.93.
Food Service: K. Evjen-reimb for lunch credit/1.25 and K. Minatra-mileage/103.60. Payroll/$362.88. Total-$467.73.
Trust & Agency: Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/96.67, Balloons & Banners-grad supplies/48.00, Dagwoods-supplies/54.99, First Bank & Trust-safe deposit box/10.00, NSU BB Camp-camp/400.00, and SD Dept of Labor-unemployment benefits/96.67. Total $706.33.
K. Bauer gave a presentation on summer classes and the upcoming school year.
Buildings and Grounds report: new freezer in Waverly and the old freezer has been moved out, ramp and freezer pad will be poured, gym floors are done, updates to boys bathroom in old part, floor in science room in completed, finish electrical for dishwasher, and the boys locker room has been painted.
M. Fischer gave LAMD report.
D. Jones gave NESC report.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. New bus may take up to 90 days to receive, bus driver training will be online, and discussed condition of the suburban.
D. Jones and M. Hemmingson gave administrative reports: M. Hemmingson: We will be getting a check back for penalties paid to the IRS plus interest. D. Jones: open enrollment applications, home school exemptions, high school schedule, test results from Dakota Step-Junior High improved enough to become a distinguished school, National Honor Society will be launched this year, and the student council will be a more organized group.
Discussion Items:
South Shore Elementary site information. 29 students enrolled and it was discussed as to the building reverting to the town if the school is closed. A joint meeting with the Town of South Shore is scheduled for Sept 13th at 7 PM in the South Shore elementary school. The public is invited to attend.
Action Items:
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve the surplus items list. Motion carried. Items include old athletic uniforms and equipment, old out dated computers, keyboards, mice and monitors, lockers from Waverly locker room, old freezer from Waverly, old milk machine in South Shore, and old tackling sled in the ballpark at South Shore.
Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to approve the assistant cook contract for J. Strong at $10.50 per hour. Motion carried.
Open bids for surplus. It was decided to accept bids for another month as the new bus has not arrived. Please send bids to the school in Waverly in a sealed envelope marked bus bid.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve two open enrollment applications. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to approve two public school exemptions. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to vote for Todd Trask for small group board position with SDHAA. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to adopt district comprehension plan for special education. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to participate in the emergency bus pact. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Buchholz to adopt a policy/practice for return to competition from a concussion with a signed document form a qualified family physician. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to enter into executive session at 8:45 pm.
Chairperson declared out at 9:05 pm.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday September 13th, 2010 at 8:00 P.M. in South Shore. A joint public meeting will be held at 7 pm in the South Shore school with the Town of South Shore board. The public is invited to attend.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.