October 12, 2010 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on October 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the science room of the Waverly school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer (arrived at 7:45 p.m.), A. Heuer, J. Buchholz, and D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, A. Lehrke, J. Meyer, S. Strang, J. Karsten, S. Luken, and M. Hemmingson-Business Manager.
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to approve agenda with the following additions: Action Items: B. Rescind 3 open enrollment applications. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve the minutes of the September meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve the September bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Food Service Tr & Agency
Sept 1, 2010
Beginning Balance $996,928.03 $273,357.30 $64,862.96 $57,514.43 $15,531.07 $20,726.10
Receipts: Local $53,999.44 $1,098.95 $878.09 $105.74 $2,815.60 $8,685.94
County $1,450.10 $0.00
State $18,780.00 $0.00 $3,576.00 $0.00
Federal $58,809.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,358.04
Expenditures $155,392.90 $53,022.00 $22,026.96 $0.00 $8,820.76 $12,318.31
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $974,573.67 $221,434.25 $47,290.09 $57,620.17 $10,883.95 $17,093.73
Sept 30, 2010
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/737.34, Alltel, cell/85.18, Best Business-copier maint/155.00,Best Western-hotel rooms/162.00, V. Bogue-FB Ref/75.00, Britton Hecla-choir fest lunch/73.00, Britton Lions Club-choir fest/35.00, Britton Hecla Jazz-choir fest supper/144.00, Brown Clinic-bus physicals/647.00, S. Buchholz-mileage/150.71, Classroom Connections-supplies/239.78, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/1621.75, J. Cramer-FB ref/152.70, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/268.45, S. Engels-29.60, Engelstad Electric-service/77.55, Flinn Scientific-supplies/132.93, Franklin Electronic-supplies/149.85, Gopher-supplies/709.40, J. Helmer-FB Ref/75.00, M Hemmingson-mileage/41.83, Hillyard-supplies/1927.69, ITC-phones/287.85, JW Pepper-supplies/45.00, KSDR-advertising/178.00, LAMD-2nd qtr/9377.50, Lake City Fire-equip check/332.30, Learning Resources-supplies/42.92, S. Luken-reimb for supplies/21.96, Mac’s-supplies/22.68, Mahowald-supplies/116.04, Marc-boiler supplies/979.16, Menards-supplies/220.90, J. Meyer-reimb for supplies/15.47, T. Nelson-mileage/88.80, NESC-assess/43.30-supplies/27.50, Otter Tail Power-electricity/572.87,Papa Murphy’s-pizza for fam night/99.51, Pearson-supplies/611.52, D. Pederson-reimb for postage/17.38, Petty Cash-reimb/17.26, Quill-supplies/177.47, C. Randall-FB ref/75.00, Real Kids Real Life-assembly/250.00, Redlinger Bros-service/810.56, Riddell-repairs/118.70, D. Rieck-FB ref/75.00, J. Robbins-mileage/7.40, Roys Sports-supplies/476.40, School Administrators-handbook/55.00, Sioux Rural Water-water/139.55, Sioux Valley Coop-fuel/6371.96, A. Soderlund-labor/400.00, South Shore Gazette-publishing/178.74, Star Laundry-laundry/192.88, C. Strong-5/6 BB ref/20.00, D. Thyen-mileage/35.52, Titan Machinery-bus service/337.59, Town of South Shore-water/72.00, USPS-stamps/176.00, T. Vincent-VB clock/60.00, Visa-supplies/1043.34, Watertown Public Opinion-supplies/140.00, Waverly Student Council-bank fees/30.00, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/1781.25, Xerox-copier maint/68.76, and XO Sports-supplies/354.70. Total $34,256.50.
Capital Outlay: Connecting Point-networking/517.50, Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68, Hauff Mid-America-Boys BB uniforms/3073.40, and Variety Foods-dishwasher lease/65.00. Total-$3,708.58.
Special Education: Children’s Care Hospital-services/3,192.00, Human Services Agency-services/967.20, S. Luken-mileage/80.66, and NESC-assess/1623.05-summer services/340.34. Total-$6,203.25.
Food Service: CWD-food/4908.03, Earthgrains-food/310.84, Hy-Vee-food/196.06, D. Southwick-reimb for food/26.30, and Star Laundry-laundry/50.01. Total-$5,491.24.
Trust & Agency: Hy-Vee-supplies/85.31, S. Mack-reimb for plant & homecoming/30.21, K. Minatra-concessions supplies/61.26, Pepsi-juice machines/270.45, Visa-supplies/189.16, Watertown Public Opinion-supplies/141.00, CWD-concessions supplies/245.18, ECC-assessment/450.00, J. Giovannettone-VB ref/93.50, K. Gums-VB ref/75.00, S. Mack-VB ref/123.10, K. Minatra-concession supplies/32.86, B. Ries/VB ref/75.00, SDSU Music Conf-elem choir/35.00, Arlington School-Cross country/10.00, Deuel School-Cross country/30.00, Eccentrix Mobile DJ-homecoming/400.00, C. Knecht-VB ref/119.76, G. Krause-VB ref/75.00, L. Pietz-VB ref/75.00, Pizza Ranch-pizza for homecoming/204.96, B. Ries-VB ref/99.05, Thompson Mechanical-PTO milk machine repair/214.72, Waverly Student Council-money bag for homecoming/100.00, D. Beste-VB ref/128.65, B. Folkens-FB ref/75.00, M. Fuller-FB ref/75.00, B. Hermsen-FB ref/161.95, S. Kuehl-FB ref/75.00, P. McDowell-5/6 BB ref/20.00, J. Shomion-FB Ref/75.00, and J. Sopko-FB Ref/75.00. Total $3,951.12.
Payroll: General: Elementary $35,512.78, Secondary $26,722.80, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $1366.80, Title I $3,174.77, Title I ARRA $496.00, Guidance $2,645.83, Improvement of Instruction $0.00, Board of Education $760.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $5,624.64, Operations & Maintenance $4672.18, Pupil Transportation $5845.80, Title I Private $214.17, Early Retirement $200.00, Male Activities $819.47, Female Activities $839.48, and Co-curricular $2507.83. General Fund Total $97,269.22. Sped: $7,252.09. Food Service: $3,968.89.
J. Karsten, S. Strang, S. Luken, and A. Lehrke gave class presentations.
Presentation by S. Luken on the Dakota Step Testing and Accountability and Assessment Report.
7:45 PM
Buildings and Grounds report: Waverly: House roof patched and in the spring will consider shingling, kitchen window will be here soon, purchased a used stove for the kitchen, water heater needs to be upgraded as it runs out of hot water. South Shore: patched roof above offices and in the gym.
M. Fischer gave LAMD report.
D. Thyen gave NESC report.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. New bus is in Webster slated for delivery next week, South Shore bus routes, Titan vs. K & M for service, and want to look at all bus routes again.
D. Jones and J. Meyer gave administrative reports: D. Jones: ASBSD delegate assembly is in Pierre in November, we will have school on Veteran’s day but a program will be presented, school improvement plan and goals, bullying, Real Life Real Kids assembly for 7-12 in Grant-Deuel on Oct 27th, wants to get a program in for elementary also, if we win conference football do we want to get a banner?-will look into this, and the school year is going really well. Meyer: discipline referrals are down, great student body, student council is doing community service, raffle tickets for scholarship, think pink for cancer, Oct 21st FB game will have Codington County Cares cancer activities, home coming for next year will be set by the end of this year, student council conference will be about bullying, National Honor Society is in the final stages of evaluating, BB uniforms are mostly in, Parent’s Nights are set for next week, Concussions need to be cleared before returning to athletics, will have athletic trainer at the remainder of the home football games, Big Stone Therapies has a program to clear athletes for competition that costs $350.00-more information will be obtained, and storage space will be needed if we close the school in South Shore. Hemmingson: SD Dept of Legislative Audit approved Schoenfish to do our audit for 2009-2010 school year.
Action Items:
Resolution 2011-01
Let it be resolved; The Waverly School District 14-5 Board of Education declares the closing of the South Shore Elementary Attendance Center at the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year. Resolution adopted by unanimous vote.
Movtion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to accept to rescind 3 open enrollments for Martinell due to the family moving. Motion carried.
No executive session was needed.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 PM. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday November 8th, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in Waverly.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.