November 8, 2010 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on November 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the science room of the Waverly school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer, A. Heuer, J. Buchholz, and D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, J. Meyer, R. Palo, K. Gruener, C. Hagen, and M. Hemmingson-Business Manager.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve agenda with the following additions: Business Items E. Preschool schedules and change Executive Session from legal to personnel. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Fischer to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
R. Palo, K. Gruener, C. Hagen presented 2010-2011 class schedules.
Business Item E. was moved up on the agenda. Discussed possibility of 2 days of all day preschool or the possibility of bussing kids back to South Shore once preschool was over if kept at half day.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve the October bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Food Service Tr & Agency
Oct 1, 2010
Beginning Balance $974,573.67 $221,434.25 $47,290.09 $57,620.17 $10,883.95 $17,093.73
Receipts: Local $19,130.17 $5,498.03 $3,977.26 $430.18 $6,948.90 $6,319.53
County $1,980.09 $0.00
State $40,114.00 $0.00 $3,576.00 $0.00
Federal $35,679.00 $3,435.00 $0.00 $4,670.32
Expenditures $147,789.03 $3,708.58 $14,663.38 $0.00 $9,763.75 $4,870.41
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $923,687.90 $226,908.70 $40,179.97 $58,050.35 $12,739.42 $18,542.85
Oct 31, 2010
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/700.70, Alltel, cell/61.40, K. Atyeo-Gortmaker-E-rate services/513.25, Best Business-copier maint/155.00,Best Western-hotel rooms/197.98, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/1714.88, Coteau Shopper-advertising/42.75, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/220.45, Distributed Website-scheduling software/200.00, Gopher-supplies/12.02, M Hemmingson-mileage/11.84, Hewlett Packard-computer/678.00, Hillyard-supplies/23.11-repair to scrubber/203.75, Hy-Vee-supp/21.80, Jostens-yearbook/2174.80, JW Pepper-supplies/51.89, K&M Service-bus service/394.16, Kids Voting-supp.50.50, C. Koll-reimb for bus wash/11.41, S. Luken-reimb for postage/1.73, Mahowald-supplies/24.14, Menards-supplies/258.74, NCS Pearson-write to learn/900.00, T. Nelson-mileage/81.40, NESC-assess/43.30-ESA/500.00, Otter Tail Power-electricity/586.30, Petty Cash-reimb/60.11, Physical Therapy Specialists-athletic trainer/800.00, Quill-supplies/123.75, Qwest-phones/319.62, Riddell-supp/707.96, J. Robbins-mileage/74.00, Roys Sports-supp/89.98, School Specialty-supp/53.25, Sioux Rural Water-water/126.15, Sioux Valley Coop-fuel/5264.65, South Shore Ambulance-services at FB games/375.00, South Shore Gazette-publishing/267.20, Star Laundry-laundry/266.54, J. Strang-alumni redoing pictures/615.86, Summit School-oral interp/217.47, Titan Machinery-bus service/2406.56, Town of South Shore-water/36.00, USPS-stamps/88.00, T. Vincent-VB clock/30.00, Visa-supp/431.15, Watertown Public Opinion-advertising/128.25, Waverly Student Council-bank fees/30.00, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/2545.36, W. West-mileage/56.98, and Xerox-copier maint/20.22. Total $24,969.36.
Capital Outlay: Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68, First Bank of White-C/O certificates/5313.00, Hauff Mid-America-Girls BB uniforms/3397.10, and Variety Foods-dishwasher lease/65.00. Total-$8,827.78.
Special Education: Abbott House-services/1199.44, Human Services Agency-services/967.20, S. Luken-reimb for supp/10.00, NESC-assess/1623.05-center base/14185.24, and Visa-supp/29.88. Total-$18,014.81.
Food Service: CANS-food/868.64, CWD-food/3532.59, Earthgrains-food/268.60, L. Griepp-supp/50.00, Hy-Vee-food/329.38, D. Southwick-reimb for food/81.28, Star Laundry-laundry/64.77, J. Strong-reimb for food/27.35, Variety Foods-food/2167.46, Visa-supp/7.48, and WSS Junior Parents-food/47.10. Total-$7,444.65.
Trust & Agency: B. Guthmiller-supp/365.04, Hy-Vee-supp/37.10, Pepsi-supp/951.49, Visa-supp/451.50, Britton-Hecla-VB tourney/100.00, S. Hansen-VB ref/75.00, C. Jellis-5/6 BB ref/10.00, P. McDowell-5/6 BB ref/40.00, B. Schutt-VB ref/115.70, Tiospa Zina-VB tourney/25.00, T. Vincent-clock for VB/30.00, G. Bjorklund-VB ref/130.50, C. Rogness-VB ref/75.00, T. Vincent-VB clock/30.00, V. Bogue-FB ref/80.00, J. Cramer-FB ref/157.70, M. Dahl-FB ref/104.60, J. Helmer-FB ref/80.00, A. Knutson-FB ref/75.00, R. Knutson-FB ref/75.00, C. Randall-FB ref/80.00, D. Rieck-FB ref/80.00, P. Schmig-FB ref/75.00, S. Van Heerde-FB ref/75.00, Augustana College-band fest/115.00, D. Beste-VB ref/128.65, Estelline School-Region 1B cross country/58.96, Florence School-Oral interp/20.00, S. Kuehl-VB ref/75.00, and PSAT-fee/182.00. Total $3898.24.
Payroll: General: Elementary $35,357.70, Secondary $26,769.20, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $2,145.80, Title I $4024.52, Title I ARRA $240.00, Guidance $2,645.83, Improvement of Instruction $0.00, Board of Education $0.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $5,567.08, Operations & Maintenance $4,575.34, Pupil Transportation $6,423.80, Title I Private $214.17, Early Retirement $0.00, Male Activities $6,688.05, Female Activities $6,678.06, and Co-curricular $2,243.91. General Fund Total $109,440.13. Sped: $7,228.09. Food Service: $3,992.12.
Buildings and Grounds report: Seeded and fertilized the football field, kitchen window in Waverly will be put in soon, will need more storage space, and new concession stand out at the field brought forward by the summer sports committee.
M. Fischer gave LAMD report.
J. Buchholz gave NESC report.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. New bus arrived and discussed repairs and service at Titans vs. K&M service.
D. Jones, J. Meyer, and M. Hemmingson gave administrative reports: D. Jones: want to have a work session regarding next year, Real Kids Real Life assembly at Grant-Deuel, may have to change some board meeting dates, and calendars were discussed. M. Hemmingson: Auditors here Nov. 9th through 11th. Meyer: sell surplus uniforms, evaluations on coaches, and practice schedules were discussed.
Business Items:
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to approve 2 open enrollment application for Edwards. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to declare surplus property: 8 sets of JV boys & girls basketball uniforms. Motion carried. If interested contact the school.
Discussion on Grant-Deuel’s inquiry about a sports coop. SDHSAA won’t accept a coop in the middle of a cycle and this is the end of a cycle. Would need a decision by January 1st. Discussed and the board decided that it is not feasible to get a formal coop within the time frame that would be needed.
Discussed possible changes to the board meeting times due to activity conflicts. Dec 13th at 6:30 PM and January 7th with the time to be determined.
Discussed possibility of 2 days of all day preschool or the possibility of bussing kids back to South Shore once preschool was over if kept at half day.
Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to enter into executive session for personnel at 8:40 PM.
Declared out by board chairman at 9:20 PM.
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 PM. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday December 13th, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. in Waverly. Board work session is scheduled for Tuesday, November 23rd at 6:30 PM in the science room in Waverly.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.